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Fireworks are used throughout the year to mark significant seasonal celebrations including Bonfire Night, Halloween, New Year’s Eve and Diwali.
Learn more about how to access our services here.
* as of 9th November 2023
Fireworks are used throughout the year to mark significant seasonal celebrations including Bonfire Night, Halloween, New Year’s Eve and Diwali.
We understand that noisy celebrations in Hertfordshire such as Halloween, Bonfire Night, Diwali, Christmas and New Year can cause nervousness in pets. However, by taking the appropriate steps to plan ahead of these scheduled events, you can minimise unnecessary stress and anxiety for your pet.
The change of season in Hertfordshire from summer to autumn sees lots of changes in nature and our surroundings – greens turn to rust and gold, leaves fall and summer flowers give way to berries. As always there are things we need to be aware of that may affect our pets and their well-being. Here are some things to look out for this autumn.
The very name ‘kennel cough’ suggest that dogs are only at risk of contracting this airborne disease if you put them into boarding kennels, while you go on holiday for example.
It is for this reason that many pet owners don’t get their dog vaccinated, because they don’t see the disease as a risk. Here we look at some myths and facts about kennel cough.
With the summer bank holiday just around the corner, we wanted to let you know that on Monday 29 August 2022 Chess Vets will be closed.
If your pet needs emergency or out of hours care or treatment when we are not open, please call Village Vets St Albans on 01727 852 667.
Picture the scene…you’re in your garden, the sun is shining, maybe you have friends and family round to visit, and the charcoals are just about ready for you to start cooking al fresco. The last thing you want is an emergency vet visit with your beloved pet.
If you’re planning a barbecue this weekend, here are some of the things to consider to keep your pet safe.
Grass seeds are a common problem during the spring and summer months. While your pet explores the outdoors, grass seed can easily brush off the tops of long grass stems onto their bodies.
As we head into the summer months and temperatures start rising, it’s important to remember that your pets are most vulnerable at this time to many injuries and illnesses which are brought on by hot weather, including sunburn, foot pad burns, dehydration and the most dangerous of all, heatstroke. While heat stress is more common during the summer months, it can occur at any time throughout the year.
Summer brings longer days, warmer climates, new adventures, and outdoor socialising, which with pets in tow, can be made even more enjoyable! However, when the temperatures rise, the dangers to our pets increase too. To keep pets safe, you should be aware of the potential hazards, as well as some top tips to help prevent your pet from endangering themselves throughout the summer months.
Have you noticed your dog scratching a bit more than usual? This article covers the common reasons your dog might have itchy skin and some top tips for providing relief.
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